The input is given as a triangle surface (STL or NASTRAN, one file per part) and a RESOLUTION parameter.
Non watertight surfaces will be repaired automatically.
Details of this surface, wich are smaller than the value of RESOLUTION, may not be meshed correctly. // comment NASTRAN ...path.../Filstal-bridge.nas //STL ...path.../Filstal-bridge.stl FLUID_MESH output fluid + solid mesh. Default output solid mesh. //INFO 60 1 geometric adaptive sequence of hierarchic BCC meshes //INFO 61 1 Nastran pid = tetra generation //INFO 94 node-id Check-Tool about this MT_fail //INFO 95 node-id Check-Tool about this node //INFO 96 1 1 = refinement rule bisection //INFO 99 1 1 = initial Tetra = regular, Platon //PARAMETER 90 1.e-10 message for new tetras worse than .. RESOLUTION 4 Run LFE MMT You can run LFE-MMT simply by LFE-MMT-executable INPUT.mmt BOOLEAN input ... text ... Output The output is a conformal tetrahedral mesh, formatted like a NASTRAN file. Each part and the fluid (= complementary space ) is given as a separate set of elements. Polyhedral output Conformal mesh of octahedron, hexahedron (= brick), prism, pyramid, tetra - elements. Each element is bounded by triangles and plane quads. Output at a second glance An adaptive hierarchy of tetra meshes approximates the input CAD data. HOME contact michael.lautsch[at] |