Welcome to Lautsch Finite Elemente GmbH.
We focus on the development of the Multigrid Marching Tetra Method
for automatic meshing of 10 000 parts.

This is the 0.072 hertz eigenform of our data of the International Space Station.

MMT relies on the cubic tetra. Riccardo Cimardi created 1024 of them using marble from Carrara, Italy.

One house

I was invited to participate online at the Numgrid conference in Moscow in December 2024.
I then got uninvited because I was from an "unfriendly country".
I declare that I am friendly to any friendly Russian people. I like the elegant ideas of
some Russian mathematicians and engineers.
And I am sure that many Russian people like the work of Agyris, Clough and Zienkiewicz.

I am unfriendly to the idea that someone tells me which people are my friends.
And I am unfriendly that some Russian people tell other Russian people who is friendly and who is not.
I am unfriendly to the idea that all new ideas have to be invented twice.
I like the fact that FEM is a project of many pioneers from all over the world for the last 75 years.
I like the fusion power project Iter.
I do not like Cern, because Physics without Frontiers was cancelled.
I like our common computer foundation: The www, c, linux.
I like the International Space Station, which shows the power of international cooperation in science.

We live in one house, there are rules and commitments, and anybody who is naughty should be ashamed.

contact michael.lautsch[at]lautsch-fe.com

Last update January 2025